Ovenu are oven cleaning specialists with over 100 franchisees across the UK and over 40 in Australia! As the largest established business in their sector in the UK, their reputation is extremely important to them and is one of the ways they’re able to demonstrate the incredible service they offer.
When did Ovenu begin working with Trustist?
The team at Ovenu UK initially began working with Trustist back in October 2017, with the Australian side of the business coming on board in 2019. Back in 2017, they started out with an impressive 14,555 reviews dating back 8 years, but through using Trustist they have gone on to increase their review base and reap the benefits!
In 2018, after a year of using Trustist Rik Hellewell, Managing Director of Ovenu, said this about the process:
“This platform can genuinely deliver results and in double-quick time. Required very little (if any) development work with the majority being taken care of on our behalf – always a big help! Great team to work with & a good value product in commercial terms.”
How did review collection go?
Over the 5 years they’ve been using Trustist, Ovenu have used a variety of methods for their review collection. Speaking in 2022, Rik said:
“We use many different techniques and approaches to gather client reviews. There isn’t a one size fits all policy that we adopt across the board; rather a territory by territory system based on client demographics and results.”
It’s clearly worked for them too!
In just 5 years, the Ovenu UK network were able to collect an additional 21,773 reviews! This took their total up to 36,328 reviews across their locations on a variety of platforms including Google and Trustist.
This is a 150% increase in their overall review base, which is also massive when the 21,773 reviews collected in 5 years of using Trustist is compared to the 14,555 reviews collected across the 8 years prior to that. You can check out their incredible reviews here!
How has this impacted their website?
Displaying such a significant number of reviews on the website through the Trustist widget is one great way to show off what is an absolutely incredible achievement, but through those widgets the benefit is maximised even further!
The Structured Data added to the pages by the Trustist widgets tells Google all about these reviews and causes the stars to display against the listings in natural search results, with the location-specific reviews being displayed for each area too:
Showing the reviews off in search results help Ovenu to take up even more space in search, whilst making sure they stand out much more than competitors – all things that can help to boost the amount of traffic a website receives.
This is further proven to help when looking at the amount of clicks the Ovenu UK website received across the years they’ve been working with us.
In April 2017, before they had begun working with us, Ovenu received 6,602 clicks through to their website from natural search results. In just a few months, the impact was clear – in April 2018, the number of clicks received by the website had increased by 6% to 7,005.
This is great, but it actually gets even better! When the same time period was looked at for 2022, it became clear that the amount of traffic the website had received had only continued to increase, with a massive 131% increase in 2022 compared with the 2017 figures!
This is all incredible, and it is a true testament to the hard work they put into their review collection – keep up the good work Ovenu!