With an aggregated review score, no matter how many different places you collect reviews, you can view, manage and display your true online reputation from one dashboard.
There are thousands of sites out there for each sector to use! With Trustist you can bring all of your hard-earned reviews together in one place – no matter where they’re from.
You can also collect reviews for these sites directly from your white-labelled review screen!
Reputation Management
Your True Rating Revealed
See your aggregated rating across all sources to understand your true overall reputation online. Don’t miss representing your full online presence with reviews and ratings spread across the web.
Stars in Google Search
Stand out on Google
Star ratings in organic Google search results improve your search ranking, make your listing stand out from the competition and prove to people straight away that your brand is to be trusted.
Our two-tier aggregation allows you to monitor brand and location-level review bases to target improvements exactly where they’re needed. Identify your highest, or lowest, performing areas and see how they can improve!
Customer Review Widgets
Aggregation Widget
Our review widgets allow people on your website to view your entire reputation easily in one glance – this means visitors stay longer on your website and get access to your reviews, helping to build their trust in your site.
We offer a range of different review widgets to suit your website and preferences, so there is always a suitable option to help you keep users where you need them – right on your website, where they can easily get in touch with you!
How it Works
1. Add the Sites You Have Reviews on When you sign up, let us know where else you have reviews and we’ll pull them over
2. Add the Reviews Widget Having a review widget as prominent as possible on your website has great benefits
3. Get Results Watch your website traffic and conversions rise as you collect and display more customer reviews