Getting Started with Trustist – The Onboarding Process

If you understand the power of online reviews, and like the thought of working with Trustist to help you powerfully support your online review strategy but wonder just what the onboarding process is all about, this blog may help! One of our most recent new clients, The Awards People, kindly shared their thoughts and observations with us.


Here’s what they had to say.


“Being quite technically illiterate, we’ll be honest, we weren’t really looking forward to the Trustist onboarding process as we were thinking that 30 minutes seemed an incredibly short amount of time to go through what had to be an incredibly complex process. However, we gritted our teeth and booked in with Andrianna.


“After the usual pleasantries, Andrianna asked us to share our screen and log into our new Trustist dashboard. Simple enough to do – even for us! The home page at once displayed our brand rating (given by our customers via our reviews) which, of course, showed at 0.0 stars as none of our reviews had been aggregated… yet! It also showed our locations and where we needed to connect our Google My Business account.


“Andrianna talked through the homepage with us and talked through the process of connecting our Google My Business account to our dashboard which was very easily done. Next, we clicked into one of our locations and Andrianna asked us to connect our Facebook and Twitter accounts to our dashboard. Again, she talked us through it and as our social media accounts are always open on one of our screens it was, again, ridiculously simple to do.


“Next Andrianna showed us the link, and the screen that comes up when that link is clicked on, which our clients will use when we invite them to leave us a review. She also showed us how to customise it, so it sounded more like the voice of the Awards People. All very simple to do – remembering to press ‘save’ after every action… of course! Andrianna asked us when we were planning to start sharing this with our clients and we replied that it would be next week due to the level of work we had on. Andrianna very kindly offered another call to remind us how to do things and where to find things on our dashboard if we had forgotten by then.


“Andrianna went on to show us where the Auto Post settings were. This ensures that any 4 or 5-star review that we collect is automatically posted to our social media accounts which is going to be super helpful. Andrianna asked where most of our reviews are currently kept. We said on our LinkedIn profile and website. As Trustist can’t, at the time of writing this blog, gather automatically from those sites, Andrianna said that she’d go and manually gather then ensuring they start our review gathering process.


What a kind offer, and how helpful!


Andrianna reminded us that there was plenty of advice and tips on Trustist’s blog page and that they often ran free workshops ensuring clients got the most out of their Trustist account. She also said that if we needed any further help we only had to email her.


“At that point it became obvious that our onboarding was done! Twenty-ish minutes including a few friendly chats. Next week, we start the process of talking to clients and collecting reviews and once they start coming in – we can show them on our website along with our star rating! This is going to help us so much with local SEO and, not to mention, additional social media post content. We’re so excited to get started and, frankly, if we knew it was this easy, we’d have done it months ago!


Thanks Andrianna, and here’s to our online review strategy success!”


So, if a company who profess themselves to be ‘technically illiterate’ can whizz through their onboarding process, what’s stopping you?

Reputations are built on happy customers

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