Slider Widget

If you want to display your reviews on your website, but don’t have the space to display the entire list at once, the slider widget is the best choice for you. This widget displays your 3 latest reviews in a cycle, allowing your customers to see your positive feedback on your own site.

Adding the Slider Widget to Your Website

To display your most recent reviews on your website, add the following code wherever you would like the slider to appear.

<!–START OF Trustist REVIEWer CODE – DO NOT CHANGE–><script src=”[Trustist ID]/reviewslider.js”></script><div ts-reviewsliderwidget ts-slider-interval=”25″></div><!–END OF Trustist REVIEWer CODE–>

The Trustist ID will be provided by Trustist within your account. If you do not have your brand code, please contact us at [email protected].


Modifying the Slider Widget

There are various modifiers that can be used to customise the Slider Widget.


To ensure the widget is responsive, please use the following modifier.

<div ts-reviewSliderWidget ts-responsive=”true”></div>


Font Changes

To change the font displayed on the Slider Widget, use the modifier below.

<div ts-reviewSliderWidget ts-font-family=”Times New Roman”></div>


Colour Changes

To change the colour of the text on your widget, the modifier below can be used.

<div ts-reviewSliderWidget ts-color=”Red”></div>


Review Link Colour

You can also change the colour of the review title/link using this modifier.

<div ts-reviewSliderWidget ts-link-color=”Blue”></div>


Width Changes

The width of the widget border can be changed. To do this please use the modifier below.

<div ts-reviewSliderWidget ts-border-width=”5″></div>



To add a shadow to the widget use the following modifier.

<div ts-reviewSliderWidget ts-shadow=”10″></div>


Shadow Blur

To blur out the shadow on your widget, please use the modifier below.

<div ts-reviewSliderWidget ts-shadow-blur=”2″></div>